株式会社 琉球ネットワークサービス
担当者:仲宗根 (contact_rns@r-net.co.jp)

Since its establishment in 1997, Ryukyu Network Service Co., Ltd has been making efforts to acquire higher-level skills in accordance with the principle of “initiating a new era with the technology.” Having earned the trust of our customers, we are working on a variety of businesses both domestic and overseas, such as embedded systems, ERP projects, and web and Cloud service. We will continue to improve our technological competence to meet customers’ needs and will continue to globally develop our businesses from Okinawa with a broad view.
本公司自從1997年創建以來,憑著“活用技術創建新時代”的理念,致力於掌握各種高精技術。現今,已與國內外的客戶建立了深厚的信賴關係, 積極從事著“內置業務”,“ERP業務”,“Web雲計算業務”等各種各樣的業務。今後,我們將不斷提高技術力量以滿足客戶的需要,并以跟廣大的視野把沖繩作為據點積極挑戰各種國際化業務。